Clean Eats: Quinoa Taco Bowl

Skip Chipotle and make a healthy version! In this week’s Fit Fuel post Marissa discussed good carbs – specifically whole grains like brown rice, oats and quinoa. Inspired by her blog, Town Barre babe, Cheryl, shared how she spices up her quinoa – with taco seasoning! This dish is super easy, satisfies a taco craving and there are endless different ways you can make it!

Why quinoa? This is what Marissa shared:

Quinoa: Though technically a seed, Quinoa is packed with more protein than any other grain and naturally gluten-free. The ancient grain contains iron, B-vitamins, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, vitamin E and fiber.


  • quinoa
  • taco seasoning (I used 25% less sodium)
  • chicken (or beef, pork, tofu… anything!)
  • tomatoes
  • avocado
  • onions
  • peppers
  • mozzarella cheese (optional)
  • You can add beans, corns, salsa, sour cream, guacamole, or whatever you like in your tacos/burrito bowls!

Prep time: 45 minutes










  • Make quinoa
  • Add taco seasoning when it is done and still hot
  • Make your meat (and/or beans/corn)
  • Sauté the peppers and onions
  • Cut up your toppings into little cubes
  • Melt the cheese on the quinoa
  • Add your toppings to the bowl & enjoy!
Thanks Cheryl!

For another way to mix up your quinoa check out – Clean Eats: Butternut Squash Quinoa Salad with Goat Cheese and Roasted Grapes!

Fit Fuel – 3 Grains That Pack a Powerful Punch

In last week’s post, we explored the scientific differences between whole-grain and refined flours in breads. This week, we’re going down grain lane!

One of the biggest myths out there is that all carbohydrates are unhealthy and can lead to weight gain and obesity. While too much of anything can increase the chances of weight gain, minimally processed and whole kernel, whole-grain products have many nutritional benefits and can help maintain a healthy weight. These grains digest slowly, keeping you full for longer and deliver a host of vitamins, minerals and fiber that can help protect you from heart issues, diabetes, colon cancer and possibly asthma and Alzheimer’s disease. On the contrary, products made with refined flour (pastas, couscous, etc.) have a high-glycemic index and provide little nutritional value. They digest quickly and you’ll find yourself hungry soon after your meal. They can also cause unhealthy fluctuations in blood sugar.

Here are 3 everyday whole-grains that pack a powerful punch. Try them as bases in salads or as yummy side dishes.

Whole oats: Oats are full of avenanthramids, a heart-healthy antioxidant. The easiest way to incorporate oats into your diet is in oatmeal. If you decide to go instant, watch out for additives like high-fructose corn syrup (added sugars) and artificial flavoring. When in doubt, buy plain oats and sweeten your oatmeal yourself with maple syrup or honey!

Brown Rice: Brown rice is rich in fiber, selenium, manganese and many other healthy vitamins. It has been known to help to control blood sugar levels, reduce cholesterol and prevent type 2 diabetes. I love the nutty flavors of brown rice over the plain taste of white rice.

Quinoa: Though technically a seed, Quinoa is packed with more protein than any other graie16a1a83-71d6-4b2a-b03a-c729c90af7edn and naturally gluten-free. The ancient grain contains iron, B-vitamins, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, vitamin E and fiber. [Check out Town Barre’s latest Clean Eats recipes: Butternut Squash Quinoa Salad with Goat Cheese and Roasted Grapes & Quinoa Taco Bowl

Many dieticians recommend making at least half the grains in your diet whole-grains. Give them a shot—you may even find them more flavorful than their counterparts. 🙂

Until next time, happy eating! Send any questions to

Xo Marissa

Clean Eats: Butternut Squash Quinoa Salad with Goat Cheese and Roasted Grapes

Sharing this yummy way to eat quinoa as a precursor to today’s “Fit Fuel” blog I’ll post next! In this week’s Fit Fuel post Marissa is sharing “3 grains that pack a powerful punch” to fuel your barre workouts! And guess what, quinoa is one of them! I found this quinoa recipe on “With Salt & Wit.” It took a little while to make, but now I have a healthy side dish ready for the week! I try to make a lunch dish I can eat all week (or at least for a few days) at the beginning of the week to avoid ordering lunch out. Even when I worked in an office, it was rare I bought lunch. Want more healthy bring-to-work lunch ideas to slim down? Check out Shape Magazine’s article for a few more satisfying lunches that will help you lose weight.

Today I had this dish with chicken! Here’s what you need to make it happen…



  • 2 cups butternut squash, cut into 1” cubes
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 cup quinoa
  • 2 cups low sodium chicken broth
  • 2 cups red grapes
  • ½ cup goat cheese, crumbled (optional)
  • 1 tsp salt, divided
  • ½ tsp pepper, divided
  • Handful thinly sliced basil

Prep time: 1 hour


  • Preheat oven to 415 degrees F. b1bd63d9-5243-410a-9e9f-646f9ade84e4
  • On a large baking sheet lined with parchment paper or a silicon baking sheet, add butternut squash evenly so they are not overlapping and drizzle with olive oil. Sprinkle with ½ tsp salt and ¼ tsp pepper.
  • Place into oven and roast for 35 – 40 minutes, or until soft and edges are brown. Toss around every 10 minutes.
  • When butternut squash has 10 minutes remaining, place grapes onto a small baking sheet and sprinkle with remaining ½ tsp salt and ¼ tsp pepper. Place in oven 852bb7a7-2b37-450b-9a41-b302fe2b06bfand roast for 10 minutes, or until grapes start to burst and wilt. Remove from oven and set aside until ready to assemble salad.
  • Meanwhile, cook quinoa according to package instructions, except substituting chicken broth of water. (If your quinoa recipe calls more than a 2:1 ratio of water to quinoa, please follow those proportions.) Once quinoa is done cooking, set aside.
  • To assemble salad, in a large bowl, add quinoa, caramelized butternut squash, roasted grapes, goat cheese and basil. Mix well and serve at room temperature or warm.8a980ce0-5566-4b36-81c8-91d2dd47d9ac

I didn’t have chicken broth so I used water but it was still tasty! I had extra cubed squash left over so I made a modified version of our Clean Eats recipe: Roasted Butternut Squash with Kale and Almond Pecan Parmesan from Town Barre-ista Cheryl!

Cheers & Bon Appetit! Michelle