Summer Slim Down Challenge!

If you aren’t on our mailing list already, here’s the lowdown on our first Summer Slim Down Challenge! If there’s one season you want to feel confident in it is the summer. That’s why Town Barre is launching a fun challenge to help you look and feel your best all summer long! The details:



– 18 barre classes
– 18 30-minute workouts

That means 3 barre classes and 3 30-minute workouts a week (spaced out however you’d like). Your 30-minute workouts can be anything – walk, run, bike, at-home videos, any other fitness class or additional barre classes. For example, if you complete 25 barre classes in 6 weeks then you’ll only need 11 additional 30-minute workouts. But of course, the 30-minute workouts are on the honor system! I will only keep track of your barre classes.

Nutrition: (optional)

If there’s one thing I’ve learned from years of trying to get abs for my Patriots Cheerleader uniform it is that when it comes to changing or maintaining your body it is 80% nutrition and 20% exercise. That means not eating less, but eating more of the right types of food. Every other week we post a blog called “Fit Fuel” on that highlights the types of foods your body needs to truly benefit from exercise and get the best results, but for this challenge we’re taking it a step further and providing you a guide to stay on track.

We’re offering a 6 week meal plan that includes 6 days a week of meal ideas for breakfast, lunch, dinner and 2 snacks. This plan doesn’t involve exact measurements or recipes for each meal idea so it doesn’t ADD work to your already busy lifestyles. It is a simple plan you can mold into your everyday lives to help you get the most from this challenge. Many meals will be summer and grill friendly because we all know no ones wants the oven on at night in the summer! Each week includes a grocery list, healthy dessert options and even an idea if you want to go out to eat around the north shore!

Accountability & support: (optional)

We’re creating a private Facebook group for challengers to join to help motivate one another. Whether it means sharing healthy recipes they’ve tried or creating a walking or running group that meets before or after work to get in one of those 30-minute workouts together!

*Please note: You can change Facebook settings to receive notifications via email, Facebook or none at all when someone posts in the group. This way you can moderate your involvement and inbox.


I want this challenge to be flexible and meet your needs so there are many different ways to participate!

– You can use the classes you already have in your account and purchase packages as you go.
– You can purchase the Summer Slim Down Package on MindBody for $262. This package includes 18 classes at $14 each and the 6 week meal plan for only $10. If you already have lots of classes in your account don’t worry you can simply save them for after the challenge, classes expiring soon will be used first.
– You can purchase the meal plan separately for $20 via cash, check or credit card in person.

*Please note: If you are not able to complete the 18 classes in 6 weeks because life happens and summers get busy, the classes will not expire until Labor Day!

Added free bonus: (optional)

In the meal plan for 4 days a week, 1 of your 2 suggested snacks is a protein shake of choice. You are welcome to drink your favorite or research the best option for you, but as an added bonus JuicePlus+ is offering all challengers a free shake after each class they take during the challenge. Yes, free.

That means on the first day of the challenge you’ll receive a free blender bottle and each class I’ll have individual chocolate or vanilla shake packets that you can drink after class for the perfect recovery or save for tomorrow’s pre or post workout snack. Learn more about JuicePlus+ in the section below.

What do those who complete the challenge win?

– Your happiest, healthiest, most confident summer yet!
– A free class!
– 15% off your next class package purchase (includes all class packages and month unlimited options) so you can continue your new routine.

*Bonus: If you recruit and refer a new client to join the challenge and they complete it, you will receive an additional free class!

Why are we doing this?

Consistency is key in any fitness routine and this summer I’m not accepting the fact you can’t get and stay fit during the summer months. Success is found in repetition. You will be amazed at how strong you’ll feel after just 6 weeks!

So, ready to join the challengers and plié and shake your way to a slim summer? Email us now at to join the challenge and please note whether you’d like to be included in the private Facebook group or not.


Happy June! Excited for a fun summer at Town Barre!

Cheers, Michelle