Clean Eats: Best Post-Workout Snacks

We’ve collected 10 of the best post-workout snacks that trainers and registered dietitians love!


  1. Handful of nuts – “I love a handful of nuts, such as almonds, pistachios, or peanuts—they offer fiber, protein, healthy fats, and slow-burning carbs which is the perfect post-workout formula.” – Sharon Palmer, R.D.N., The Plant-Powered Dietitian, author of Plant-Powered for Life
  2. Greek yogurt – “I love this snack because it’s nutrient-dense and has just the right amount of digestible protein to help restore and repair your muscles right after a workout.” – Amy Dixon, a celebrity trainer in Los Angeles and star of the Breathless Body DVD series
  3. Beets – “After yoga, pilates, or bar, I like to eat beets—I add them to salads, sandwiches, or even put them on top of avocado toast. Beets are a great source of natural electrolytes, which can help to replete those that I’ve lost through sweating. The nitrates in beets also work to widen blood vessels and improve blood flow to your muscles, which may help to prevent soreness and fatigue.” – Ilana Muhlstein, R.D.
  4. Sweet potatoes – “I like sweet potatoes as a post-workout snack because they are packed with vitamins and nutrients, including vitamins B6, C, D, iron, magnesium, and potassium.” – Andrew Leonard, a certified trainer and expert for inerTRAIN, an online personal training service
  5. Chocolate milk – “One thing that people don’t realize when they take protein supplements, is that your body can only use about 20 to 30 grams of protein at a time. Any extra protein will be broken down to use as energy or stored as fat. That’s why I love chocolate milk post-workout. Milk has 8 grams of protein per cup and 22 grams of carbohydrates, which is everything I need after a challenging class.” – Rebecca Clyde, M.S., R.D.N., C.D.
  6. Protein popcorn – “My favorite post-workout snack is a small bag of low-fat or fat-free popcorn with one scoop of chocolate whey protein powder (sprinkle it in after it comes out of the microwave and shake a few times). Popcorn is one of the best whole-grain sources to replenish glycogen storage after working out, while the whey protein powder nourishes the muscles and assists with recovery. This snack fits the bill for both an endurance and a resistance type of workout.” – Marta Montenegro, an exercise physiologist and creator of the Montenegro Method DVD series
  7. Smoothies – “Smoothies made with Greek yogurt or milk and fruit are a great option post-workout, because they contain that combination of protein and carbohydrates. Dairy-based options are particularly advantageous because they are rich in a protein called leucine, which appears to kick-off the muscle-building process after a workout.” – Edwina Clark, M.S., R.D., C.S.S.D., and head of nutrition and wellness at Yummly
  8.  Sunbutter and dates – “Dates are high in potassium, which is great to help revitalize post-workout and also helps to flush out any excess salt and water weight. You get the protein from the Sunbutter (which is made with sunflower seeds instead of nuts so it’s perfect for people with allergies), and it’s addicting-ly delicious!” – Laurel House, a certified personal trainer and author of QuickieChick’s Cheat Sheet to Life, Love, Food, Fitness, Fashion, and Finance—on a Less-Than-Fabulous Budget
  9. Sabra’s single-serve hummus – “I do a lot of Pilates, and some of these classes are pretty cardio-heavy. I love Sabra’s single-serve hummus because the 2-ounce pack is so portable. I’ll have one of these with a small whole-wheat pita after my workout. The protein from the hummus and carbs from the pita help my muscles recover, and the fiber helps keep me fueled post-workout.” – Amy Gorin, M.S., R.D.N., owner of Amy Gorin Nutrition
  10. Apple with almond butter – “I like to bite into something crunchy, and combining it with a little sweetness and texture gives me a filling snack and builds up my energy and muscles.” – Tamilee Webb fitness expert and star of the Classic Buns of Steelcollection

Try one of these after your next barre class! Snacks sourced from SELF and SHAPE Magazine.

Cheers, Michelle

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