Technique Tuesday: Working with the Flex Band

Technique Tuesday: Two Tuesdays a month we’ll be sharing tips and photos to help you perfect your barre form. Our first “Technique Tuesday” will explain what you need to know to work with a Pilates flex band. The band is used in our “Barre Mix” class for arms, ab, back and flexibility work.

What band to use:

The green band has more resistance than the yellow band.


For beginners, it is suggested to start using yellow for arms, green for abs and yellow for back and flexibility. Green is best for the abs section because the increased resistance takes some work away from your ab muscles making it easier to perform the exercises. Each class both bands will be set up at the barre for everyone so it is easy to switch back and forth between colors as you get stronger!

Starting position:

It is best to start every exercise (besides our flexibility work) with a little resistance on the band. That means the band will always start straight, not loose, unless otherwise told. This ensures you are still engaging your muscles to keep the band straight in the starting position and in between reps.


Another important tip to remember is to always have the band in line with the knot, unless otherwise told. After each exercise recheck that the band’s placement is in line with the knot before beginning the next exercise.


Keep the band tight and in line with the knot and you’ll be on your way to perfect form and the best results from each exercise.

Hope to see you at a Barre Mix class soon! Class times are Mondays, 7:45 pm at Studio 21 – 21 Elm St. in Swampscott and Wednesdaysm 7:00 pm at Taj Pilates – 1 Spring St. in Marblehead.

Cheers, Michelle

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